Friday 9 January 2015

A2Z Series - I Is For Inspired

Greetings All!

It has been a while! I'm currently nursing a couple of broken nails and I'm just now getting back to that point where they're all nearly even so I haven't had much to post. I'll have stuff very soon though.

Fortunately I had this prompt prepped before I broke a crucial nail so I can continue with the challenge! The prompt this week is Inspiration, which is nice and broad. What is currently inspiring me is the vast amount of polish I currently own. My goal this year is to try and whittle my collection down a bit by trying to use up some non-essential polishes.

One I've already managed to use up is a bottle of Asda Lavender Fantasy. The Asda polishes are only 7ml and this one had a bit of usage already. I managed to use it for about half a dozen manicures over the last few weeks and now it's all gone! So that's one less in the collection.

So here are four of those manicures all using Lavender Fantasy as a base.

So this one is my first ever attempt at, well, not really gradient stamping, but stamping with more than one colour. Konad Black and White and MoYou Pro XL 10 with matte topcoat. I'm reasonably happy with it, for a first attempt!

A bit of classic leopard print. The first nail art I ever attempted and still one of my favourites. The brown is another Asda polish I forget the name of, but it has also now been used up!

Glitter! This one is TarasTalons Magic Lamp.

And finally some purple on purple stamping with Barry M Gelly in Plum and Pueen SE03A.

I also wore this polish plain with matte topcoat, and with a holo topcoat. By that point it was nearly impossible to get enough on the brush to cover a nail. I thought I should try to pick a favourite out of these, but I'm having trouble!

Either the glitter or the leopard I think.

You can catch up with all the manicures in the series here


  1. I love the rose design, it looks great! :)

  2. Love these. Would never have guessed it was a George. They're perfect! x


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