Wednesday 1 January 2014

SpecialGirl Nails Is One Today!

Greetings All! Happy New Year!

I find it quite hard to believe I started blogging one year ago today. In some ways I feel like I've been doing it forever, and in other ways I still feel like a complete beginner! There will be a giveaway to celebrate, as soon as I can work up the nerve (I stressed way too much during my last one, for no good reason). This is the only New Years resolution I have ever kept, although I don't usually make them. I haven't made one this year!

I decided to recreate the first manicure I ever posted for today. Partly because I loved it so much at the time, partly because I haven't used that stamp since, and partly because I have no idea how I pulled it off in the first place! You may recognise it from my banner picture (which desperately needs an update!).

The stamp in question is BM20. Bundle Monster have recently re-released their first collection in a larger size, as they were ridiculously tiny. Looking at the stamp, I had no idea how I managed, as a beginner, to fit them on my nails! I struggled today, and my stamping skills have improved...could my nails have gotten wider?!

Here is today's effort.

Somehow I did it again! Actually, the stamp fit on my index, ring and pinkie fingers fairly easily, especially with my squishy stamper. The middle finger and thumb were much harder, as they are the widest nails. I managed to stretch my stamper a bit, making the image slightly wider (and slightly distorted!) but fitting it all on. Here's a reminder of last year's.

Not a huge amount of difference, which is a little depressing actually! The image is crisper this year, but again that's thanks to my squishy stamper. How I did this, as a beginner, with a tiny image and the 'normal' rubber stamper, will forever remain a mystery. If I had used a normal stamper, it wouldn't have come out as good as this!! I will definitely be investing in the larger set come payday though. I'd forgotten what pretty images are in there, as I usually just skip by the whole first series!

Have you made any resolutions this year?


  1. Wow. I just love it!! So delicate and gorgeous!!

    happy new year!!


    Emy :: Artemilly

  2. Your stamping is fab - even as a newbie! I need tips! I'm just starting off stamping!

    1. Thank you!

      Unfortunately, the best tip is practice. Boring and annoying, but true! I would also definitely recommend the XL squishy stampers, as they make positioning easier and give crisper images.

  3. Happy Blog Birthday! I want to try something like this.


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