Saturday, 4 October 2014

UK Indies - Freckles Polish I'm Spooked Collection

*These polishes were purchased by me*

Greetings All!

More Halloween polishes! They're currently taking priority over the other polishes in my untried drawer (of which there are many!), I can't help myself.

These two are from Freckles Polish, and are both currently available in 5ml and 10ml sizes.

First up is Toil And Trouble, two coats.

I love this blue jelly base. It has a hint of purple to it, and built perfectly in two coats. These pictures don't show just how sparkly this was! Super pretty.

Next up is Fallen Star, again two coats.

This is also a blue base, but with a slight hint of green to it (different enough to justify getting both!). Again, it built perfectly in two coats. I did have to fish a little bit for the stars, but nothing too strenuous.

You can buy Freckles Polish on Etsy.


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